Fears and Phobias can be resolved with hypnotherapy and psychotherapy - what are Fears and Phobias?
Phobias can be crippling, fears more of a nuisance to be avoided. There are probably very few of us that do not have any fears or phobias, even if it’s as simple as being a little fearful of spiders, or perhaps liking to sleep with a little light shining somewhere nearby as the dark is not comfortable. Many such fears are manageable and the majority of us experience them at some point in our lives with little impact.
However, some people have fears of phobias that limit their opportunities in life: the person with a fear of flying may find being in a plane uncomfortable, however someone with a more serious fear, or phobia, of flying may completely avoid going on, or perhaps even seeing, an airplane; equally, someone with a fear of open spaces may avoid large parks, fields and sports grounds, however someone with a more serious fear, or perhaps agoraphobia, may never leave their house.

Below is a list of the more common fears and phobias that we get consulted about:
Spiders – Arachnophobia
Flying – aviatopophobia
Water – Hydrophobia
Heights – Acrophobia
Enclosed spaces – Claustrophobia
Open spaces – Agorophobia
Crowds – Demophobia
Darkness – Nyctophobia
Dentists – Odontophobia
Speaking in public – Glossophobia
Needles – Aichmophobia
Death or dying – Thanatophobia
Being sick – Emetophobia
Being judged or put on the spot – Social Phobia, or Scopophobia.
Urinating in front of others, shy bladder, paruresis, toilet anxiety or toilet phobia
Defecating (either alone, or in earshot of others), stools and losing bowel control – Coprophobia, or Corporophobia
The list of fears and phobias is endless as people really can be fearful of anything in their thoughts and lives so please don’t think that we can’t help you if your fear or phobia is not listed above. What is important is that, if your fear or phobia is having a negative impact upon you, or if it is limiting your full participation in life, or if your fear or phobia is becoming more severe and is beginning to dominate your life then it is probably time to do something about it and take steps to rid yourself of your fear or phobia.
How Hypnotherapy Can Help
Perhaps there is a particular upcoming event that they would like specific help with. For example, perhaps you want to go on holiday, but have a fear of flying and want help to get you onto the flight; perhaps you have a fear of spiders and are about to go camping and want some help to reduce your anxieties in relation to spiders; or perhaps you have a fear of dogs and are soon to go and stay with a friend who has a dog. For these types of issue, hypnosis, combined with suggestion therapy could enable you to reduce your fear or anxiety and to feel more in control.
It can provide you with a greater sense of self; it can boost self-confidence and self-esteem; it can help you build on your self-belief and you can have a strong visual image of yourself being calm and self-assured in your upcoming event.
An added bonus is that hypnosis is wonderfully relaxing and reduces stress levels.
IAEBP therapists have substantial experience of helping people to reduce fears and phobias over specific events and you would need just one session a week or two before the event in question.
Ongoing and Life-affecting Issues with Fears and Phobias
Perhaps your issues are more long term or pervasive and you have found that your fear or phobia is having a limiting effect upon your life? Or perhaps you would like to remove and resolve all future issues in relation to your fear or phobia? If you believe that trauma in your own life is an issue in the formation of your fear then you might talk to one of our therapists about how they might help with subconscious issues. However, if the essential issue is that you over-think your anxieties, you would benefit most from learning to manage your thinking better and a change in your philosophy, or outlook on life